Titanium Dioxide

Titanium Dioxide

Titanium dioxide is a white mineral solid that is thermally resistant, non-flammable, has low solubility, and is classified as a low-risk material. Titanium dioxide is one of the most important pigments in the world. This substance accounts for about 70% of the total volume of pigments in the world.
Titanium dioxide has three crystalline forms of Anatase, Rutile and Brookita. Thermodynamically, the rutile is the most stable TiO2 phase at normal pressure, and the other two phases are the semi-stable phases of this system.
One of the most important components of paint is titanium dioxide, a opaque, opaque substance that gives the paint depth gloss and is used in the production of paint.
It is also widely used in the plastic industry, not only as a matte white pigment but also because of its UV resistance. In fact, titanium dioxide reduces the damage caused by ultraviolet light by scattering light due to its high refractive index. The use of titanium dioxide in plastics improves the appearance quality as well as the strength and mechanical properties of plastics. Titanium dioxide is used in the production of plastics, masterbatch, PVC, ABS, etc.
Titanium dioxide is also used in the paper industry as a pigment and filler. The main performance of titanium dioxide in the paper industry is to increase the opacity or gloss of the final product.


 titanium dioxide


  titanium dioxide
  titanium dioxide
  titanium dioxide